Click below to see our founder's feature in CORE Magazine

April 13, 2016

"My experience was a good sisterhood gathering for us teenage girls and this gathering brought some of us girls together to be friends."

-Amiya B.

"The Sisterhood of The Traveling Heart did an amazing job with our female students. In less than three hours they empowered the girls to have a  positive self-image and stay away from how the media depicts the bodies and sexuality of black girls."

-Tiffany K.



Check out where Sisterhood of the Traveling Heart, Inc. has been featured!

Click below to see our founder's interview on Humanity Hangout
October 12 - 19, 2015 (featured)

Women in Need NYC's (WIN) Annual Volunteer Reception Dinner
June 17, 2015

Click below to see us featured on Sweet Candor TV

December 31, 2015

"My experience at the sisterhood gathering was the best. I got the chance to get to know more about my friends who I thought I knew. I got to laugh, have fun, and learn how to be true friends.  Also, the most important part was to bond with all my 7th grade female teachers because they taught me so much over this past year."

-Destiny B.